Value-Oriented Education - Education In Human Values Programme

Education In Human Values Programme

Suggested List of Topics

I.      Stories, fairy tales, legends, myths, plays, poems, anecdotes, biographical or autobiographical episodes to illustrate:

  1. The ideal of Truth: to speak the truth whatever the consequences; Truth in Thought; Truth in feeling; Truth in Action; Truth alone succeeds;
  2. Aspiration for Perfection: Whatever you do, do it as perfectly as you can;
  3. Dream of the New World: Where truth alone prevails, where beauty and goodness pervade;
  4. Healthy mind in a healthy body;
  5. To see the invisible and to hear the inaudible;
  6. The body as a temple of the Spirit;
  7. To work with the body is indispensable for the true knowledge and experiences;
  8. Concentration is the key to all progress;
  9. Quest of self-knowledge: stories of Shevataketu, Nachiketas, etc.
  10. Goodwill at any cost;
  11. Fearlessness;
  12. Friendship;
  13. Distinction between appearance and reality;
  14. Intelligence in animals and birds;
  15. Consciousness in matter;
  16. Sincerity;
  17. Introspection;
  18. Story of Arjuna at the beginning of the Mahabharata war to illustrate distinction between thought, will, emotion, impulse, sensation, perception, and functions of the body;
  19. Pursuit of beauty;
  20. Pursuit of goodness;
  21. Meaning of Perfection;
  22. Harmony of thought, word, feeling, and action;
  23. Joy of company of Nature;
  24. Joy of poetry;
  25. Joy of music;
  26. Joy of clarity of thought;
  27. Power of will;
  28. Joy of Mathematics;
  29. Learning from History;
Education In Human Values Programme

Education In Human Values Programme
  1. Yogic mastery over body, life and mind;
  2. Work, not to come first but to do one’s very best;
  3. Do not criticise anybody unless you can do better than the one you want to criticise;
  4. Cultivate in yourself those qualities which you want others to cultivate;
  5. Perception of one’s defects with a sense of humour and without depression;
  6. To learn to speak only what is necessary;
  7. Perils of laziness;
  8. Changing and transformation of human nature;
  9. Human limitations;
  10. Human helplessness;
  11. Dedicated community service;
  12. Perseverance;
  13. Equality (samatvam) in success and failure.

II. Lists of noble aspirations and thoughts:

  1. Subhasitani;
  2. Important proverbs and sayings;
  3. Thought for today: A list;
  4. Memorable quotations;
  5. Memorable lines of poetry;



III. Great Biographies:

  1. Rama;
  2. Sri Krishna;
  3. Vasishtha;
  4. Vishvamitra;
  5. Valmiki;
  6. Vyasa;
  7. Buddha;
  8. Mahavira;
  9. Moses;
  10. Jesus Christ;
  11. Thiruvalluvar;
  12. Prophet Mohammed;
  13. Guru Nanak;
  14. Sri Chaitanya;
  15. Mira;
  16. Ramakrishna;
  17. Swami Vivekananda;
  18. Sri Aurobindo.
Education In Human Values Programme

Education In Human Values Programme

IV. Exercises for the Development of Sense of Wonder:

  • Examples from Astronomy: distance, vastness, galaxies, expanding universe;
  • Examples from Physics: What is matter behind what we see and touch?
  • Examples from Chemistry: What is water? Is it mere oxygen or hydrogen or something more?
  • Caterpillar and its mutation into butterfly;
  • Magic of words;
  • Process of understanding;
  • Mystery of the human body;
  • Mystery of consciousness;
  • Wonder of mental silence;
  • Wonder of rhythm;
  • Wonder of Nature’s beauty;
  • Architectural wonders of the world;
  • Wonder and power of smile;
  • Wonder of flowers;
  • Wonder of twinkling stars;
  • Wonder of time;
  • Wonder of space;
  • Wonder that is God.
  1. Exercises for observation and accurate descriptions:
    Leaves, plants, flowers, minerals, scenes, animals, figures, human body, artistic pictures, musical pieces, buildings, objects, events;
  2. Exercises for the Development of memory;
  3. Exercises for the development of five senses of knowledge and five senses of action;
  4. Exercises of concentration;
  5. Art of Relaxation;
  6. Art of Sleeping;
  7. Exercises of self-control;
  8. Exercises of subtlety of thought and imagination;
  9. Exercises of meditation;
  10. Exercises of Contemplation;
  11. Exercises of witnessing consciousness;
  12. Exercises of introspection;
  13. Exercises of recitation and dramatic oratory;
  14. Exercises of scientific thought;
  15. Exercises of philosophical thought;
  16. Exercises of moral judgement;
  17. Exercises of aesthetic judgement;
  18. Sustained exercises of clear thought;
  19. Exercises of sustained enthusiasm.
Education In Human Values Programme

Education In Human Values Programme


  1. Art of bathing, art of cleaning the teeth;
  2. Art of dressing;
  3. Art of sitting and writing in right posture;
  4. Art of story telling;
  5. Art of appreciation of poetry;
  6. Art of appreciation of music;
  7. Art of appreciation of painting;
  8. Art and science of living;
  9. Art of creative expression.

XXVI. Learning by practising:


  1. Art and science of practicing concentration in every activity; concentration is key to all progress;
  2. Art and Science of practising quietude and silence;
  3. Practising truthfulness;
  4. Practising fulfilment of promises;
  5. Practising dedication: dedication in works of labour and community service;
  6. Practising sincerity in thought, will, and action;
  7. Practising regularity and punctuality;
  8. Practising perseverance;
  9. Practice of reviewing daily before retiring one’s actions, thoughts, feelings in relation to aim of life;
  10. Practising exercises of synthesis and conflict resolution;
  11. Practising endurance;
  12. Practising wideness of awareness: awareness of the body, thought movement, awareness of other psychological states of impulses, emotions, inclinations, propensities of action and awareness of surroundings, and presence of universe;
  13. Practising right attitude towards time: to do everything as quickly and as perfectly as possible;
  14. Practising equanimity in order to transcend likes, dislikes, preferences, success, failure, praise, blame;
Education In Human Values Programme

Education In Human Values Programme

XXVII. Learning by doing:

  1. Learning to swim;
  2. Learning to sing;
  3. Learning to be rhythmic;
  4. Learning to express;
  5. Learning the art of cleanliness, including sweeping, washing, dusting;
  6. Learning to cook;
  7. Learning the art of first aid and self-defence;
  8. Learning to paint;
  9. Learning of crafts;
  10. Learning to do gardening;
  11. Learning to travel: including cycling, safe driving and rules and regulations of traffic;
  12. Learning to write clearly and beautifully including calligraphy;
  13. Learning to participate harmoniously;
  14. Learning the art of self-control, purification of emotions, and mastery over impulses;
  15. Learning art of poetry.

XXVIII. Learning to know:

  1. Learning to learn: use of alphabets, use of mental calculation, use of books, use of television, use of computers, use of libraries;
  2. Art of storing and retrieval;
  3. Art of classification;
Education In Human Values Programme

Education In Human Values Programme

Learning to Discriminate:

  1. Distinction of colours; sounds, fragrances, tastes and tactile sensations;
  2. Distinction between health and strength and agility;
  3. Distinction between instinct, desire, ambition, preferences, thought, will, imagination, and perception of beauty;
  4. Distinction between appearance and reality (examples from science, history, literature and philosophy);
  5. Distinction between insensitivity, intelligence, sensitivity and conception, emotion and volition;
  6. Distinction between meditation, contemplation and concentration;
  7. Distinction between lower and higher in thought, feeling and action;
  8. Distinction between the inorganic and the organic, between plants and animals, between beasts and human beings;
  9. Distinction between barbarism, civilisation and culture;
  10. Distinction between science and art;
  11. Distinction between scientific thought and philosophical thought;
  12. Distinction between art and technology;
  13. Relationship between knowledge and action;
  14. Relationship between ideal and practice;
  15. Relationship between dedication and heroism;
  16. Distinction between instinct and intuition;
  17. Distinction between intuition and inspiration;
  18. Distinction between intuition and revelation;
  19. Distinction between desire and aspiration;
  20. Distinction between rationality and morality;
  21. Distinction between morality and religion;
  22. Distinction between religion and spirituality;
  23. Distinction between religion and yoga;
  24. Distinction between the physical, the vital, the mental, the psychic, the spiritual and the supramental;
  25. Degrees and varieties of illumination, wisdom, heroism, and harmony;
  26. Distinction between fact and value; Distinction between truth, beauty and goodness.
Education In Human Values Programme

Education In Human Values Programme

Main domains of knowledge:

  1. Humanities;
  2. Sciences;
  3. Fine Arts and Crafts; and
  4. Technologies

Interdisciplinary knowledge:

  1. Interrelationship between history and geography;
  2. Interrelationship between astronomy, astrophysics and earth sciences;
  3. Relationship between biology and biochemistry;
  4. Relationship between biology and psychology;
  5. Science of evolution;
  6. Science of environment and ecology;
  7. History as an interdisciplinary study;
  8. Philosophy as an interdisciplinary study;
  9. Study of human being and the question of human progress.
  10. Bridging Matter, Life, mind and Supermind;
  11. Experiments of J.C. Bose;
  12. Recent findings of physicists like Louise de Broglie, Erwin Schrodinger, David Bohm;
  13. Findings of Quantum Mechanics;
  14. Michael Talbot’s concept of sub-atomic: particle as “Omniobjective”;
  15. Philosophical thought of Bergson: Élan Vitale;
  16. Alexander’s concept of Space, Time and Deity;
  17. Whitehead’s concept of Ingression and Ideal Order;
  18. Chardin’s concept of Omega Summits of Consciousness;
  19. Sri Aurobindo’s concept of Supermind.

Knowledge of Values:

  1. The meaning of an Ideal;
  2. Ideals of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness;
  3. Ideals of Perfection;
  4. Ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity;
  5. Concept of the aim of life: supra-cosmic, supra-terrestrial, cosmic-terrestrial and integral;
  6. Self-knowledge, world-knowledge and God-knowledge;
  7. Proofs of existence of God;
  8. Deism, Pantheism, Theism, Monism;

Affirmations of spiritual experiences: varieties of spiritual experience;

Education In Human Values Programme

Education In Human Values Programme

Yogic Knowledge:

  1. Standards of conduct: Hedonism, Utilitarianism, Intuitionism;
  2. Idea of the categorical imperative;
  3. The idea of Dharma, beyond Dharma and Spiritual Freedom;
  4. Yoga as Science par excellence: Materialism, Science and Yoga;
  5. Integral Yoga and synthesis of yogic systems and synthesis of science and spirituality;
  6. Yogic experiences of the witness self; experience of psychic being,
  7. Experience of second birth;
  8. Experience of silence and of Nirvana;
  9. Experience of the Cosmic consciousness;
  10. Integral experience of divine status of immobility and status of divine dynamism;
  11. Nature of the Supermind;
  12. Supermind and transformation of human nature.

Works of Knowledge:

  1. Works of love;
  2. Works of life-force;
  3. Works of transforming earth life into divine life.

Knowledge of the process of Self-Education:

  1. Aspiration on the part of the pupil and helping hand of the teacher;
  2. Secret of learning and secret of teaching;

Learning To Be:

  1. Art and science of introspection;
  2. Inquiry into the question: “What am I?” Story of Shevataketu and Nachiketas;
  3. Adventures in the quest of truth, and in the quest of heroism;
  4. Adventures of excellence of the human body;
  5. Adventures of self-exceeding: to work at one’s limitations in order to cross them;
  6. Constant observations and questioning: “Where have I reached in my progress?” “What are my defects?” “How to face defects with depression?” “What should I do to overcome my defects?
  7. Preparation of programme of self-discipline: “Am I lazy?” “How to remove idleness?” “How to organise my life and activities?
Education In Human Values Programme

Education In Human Values Programme

Development of Personality:

  1. Discovery of the real person behind and above one’s physical personality, vital personality, intellectual personality, ethical personality and aesthetic personality;
  2. Harmonising conflict of inner personalities by the power of wisdom, courage, harmony, and skills.

Concept and development of Integral Personality: To be is to be integrally.

Miscellaneous Aids:

  1. Development of sense of mystery and wonder;
  2. Development of sense of sacredness;
  3. Development of the sense of reverence;
  4. Study of personalities: Vasishtha, Vishwamitra, Rama, Sri Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira, Moses, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Guru Nanak, Sri Chaitanya, Mirabai, Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo.
  5. Stories of Illumination, Heroism, and Harmony;
  6. Singing of music: selected Ragas (Indian) and Harmonies (Western);
  7. Examples of poetic excellence: regional poetry, Sanskrit poetry, English poetry;
  8. Stories of Bodhisattva from the Jatakas;
  9. Parables (Indian and Western);
  10. “Powers of the mind” – from Swami Vivekananda;
  11. Account of Rabindranath Tagore’s experience of his opening of poetic expression;
  12. Description of sthitapragya as given in the Gita;
  13.  The Sermon on the Mount from the New Testament;
  14. Study of passages from Plato: Apology and simile of the Cave in The Republic;
  15. Study of Ishopanishad;
  16. Contemplation and the concept of “universals”;
  17. The vow of the Buddha on the threshold of Nirvana;
  18. Selected psalms;
  19. Islamic prayers;
  20. Selected portion from Tulasidasa;
  21. Songs of Mirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramprasad and Alwars;

Prayer of Swami Vivekananda.

Education In Human Values Programme

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