And then:
amānitvam adambhitvam ahiṁsā kṣāntir ārjavam |
ācāryopāsanaṁ śaucaṁ sthairyam ātmavinigrahaḥ ||7|| (XIII)
indriyārtheṣu vairāgyam anahaṅkāra eva ca |
janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi-duḥkha-doṣānudarśanam ||8|| (XIII)
asaktir anabhiṣvaṅgaḥ putradāragṛhādiṣu |
nityaṁ ca samacittatvam iṣṭāniṣṭopapattiṣu ||9|| (XIII)
mayi cānanyayogena bhaktir avyabhicāriṇī |
viviktadeśasevitvam aratir janasaṁsadi ||10|| (XIII)
adhyātmajñānanityatvaṁ tattvajñānārthadarśanam |
etaj jñānam iti proktam ajñānaṁ yad ato ’nyathā ||11|| (XIII)
When you know all these elements of Prakriti and their manifestations and when you enter into a higher level, then your entire state of consciousness begins to change. It’s the kṣetra, when you really begin to understand the kṣetra, then what begins to happen? amānitvam, humility, you begin to become humble; adambham, absence of any deceit; ahiṁsā, non-violence; kṣāntir, tolerance; ārjavam, straight forwardness; ācāryopāsanaṁ, worship of the teacher; śaucaṁ, purity; sthairyam, stability; ātmavinigrahaḥ, self-control: these are the qualities which begin to develop when you begins to understand, when you begin to take cognisance, when you begin to understand properly.
indriyārtheṣu vairāgyam, a sense of disillusionment, detachment from indriyārtheṣu, from the objects of the senses; anahaṅkāra, loss of the sense of ego; janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi-duḥkha-doṣānudarśanam: to see with a kind of disappointment, doṣānudarśanam, to see defects in ‘janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi’: when you look upon the janma, birth; mṛtyu, death; jarā, old age; vyādhi, decease; when you look upon these with duḥkha and doṣā, when you see them with defect in them.
asaktir anabhiṣvaṅgaḥ putrādāragṛhādiśu |, “when you can look upon children wives, and the home with a sense of great detachment…”
nityaṁ ca samacittatvam iṣṭāniṣṭopapattiṣu ||9|| (XIII) “…in all the circumstances, all the events and occurrences which are favourable or unfavourable, when you can look upon them as samacittatvam, with equality.”
mayi cānanyayogena bhaktir avyabhicāriṇī |, now comes…these were the first elements, but now you rise higher even… mayi cānanyayogena, “When you can concentrate upon Me; ananyayogena…(we have seen only ananyayoga is a synthesis of Karma, Jnana and Bhakti, that is ananyayoga, which has no comparison, the synthesis of three Yogas has no comparison)…and with Bhakti, supreme Bhakti; avyabhicāriṇī, in which there is no sense of exploitation, complete and pure devotion…
vivikta-deśa-sevitvam aratir janasaṁsadi ||10||(XIII), when one becomes very much detached from space and time; aratir, there is no sense of pleasure in janasaṁsadi, in the company of the people.”
adhyātma-jñāna-nityatvaṁ, “When the spiritual knowledge of the eternity…”
tattva-jñānārtha-darśanam |, “…and when you have the direct experience of the meaning and the object of tattva-jñānā, of the philosophical or the spiritual knowledge…”
etaj jñānam iti proktam, “…this is really called the knowledge; this is all the science is now given of the state of knowledge…”
ajñānaṁ yad ato ’nyathā ||11|| (XIII), “…opposite of all this is ajñāna, is ignorance.”