A Philosophy of Education for The Contemporary Youth - The Groping of the Contemporary Youth

The Groping of the Contemporary Youth

The Groping of the
Contemporary Youth

The Contemporary Youth is seeking the right goals and methodologies in various activities.

How to study:
At the Desk; in Class Rooms; in the Laboratory; in the Library; in Seminars and Conferences; in Dialogue with Teachers and Friends.

What is the place of Fine Arts and what is the best way to develop aesthetic sense and expression:
Dance; Drama; Painting and Sculpture; Music; Interior Decoration; Architecture and Designing.

How to build the physical base for a higher and nobler life:
Through Gymnastics; Aquatics; Athletics; Combative Sports; Games.

How to make life an adventure:
Through Hiking and Mountaineering; Gliding and Hang Gliding; Skiing; Traveling around the country and the World.

In Search of Service and Discipline:
Scouts and Guides; NCC; NSS; Nehru Yuvak Kendras; Training of Youth Leaders.

He is asking deep questions.
And yet, he has not found an answer to the question:
What is the Secret of Learning?
This requires New Education.

The Groping of the Contemporary Youth

The Groping of the Contemporary Youth

The Groping of the Contemporary Youth

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