Sri Aurobindo and Mother - Backcover


If our search is free from preconceptions and dogmas, if our search is for knowledge that is comprehensive and authentic, if our search is for action that ensure the highest good of the entire world, then the study of Sri Aurobindo and Mother becomes inescapable. For such Indeed was their search, and we have in their voluminous writings authentic descriptions of this search and its progressive achievements. In particular, we may refer to Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, The Ideal of Human Unity, The Human Cycle, and The Suprmental Manfestation upon Earth, and to the thirteen fabulous volumes of Mother's Agenda.

This book is not a summary of the works of Sri Aur6bindo and The Mother, but it is a brief account of the inner heart and core of the task that they placed before themselves and of the main stages of accomplishment of that task. This is not a biography of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, but it is a work of research that aimed at bringing together in a brief compass some authentic statements that would enable the reader to have glimpses of a unique experiment that has direct relevance to the course of events on the earth.

There are books on Sri Aurobindo and there are books on The Mother, but apart From the unusual biographies by Satprem, there is hardly any book, like the present one, that provides a study covering the entire thread of the work of both Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, and the reader will find in this book a scholarly and scrupulous handling of an overwhelming mass of material contained in the books that are listed in the bibliography.

ISBN SI-208-0655-7


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